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Maintenance Pets

Low Maintenance Pets and How to Care For Them

Pets can add so much to the family dynamic but they aren’t always easy to care for. Especially when you have kids in the house or work long hours, you want a pet that isn’t too high maintenance.

While no pet is really maintenance-free, here are some low-maintenance pets that are perfect for families with kids and busy adults:.


These furry creatures are a staple childhood pet and are fairly easy to care for once they’re tamed. They require a cage with a hamster wheel and lots of toys for exercise, pelleted food every other day and dark leafy greens to get their vitamins.

They are naturally nocturnal and can be a bit cranky during the day if they’re not being given enough things to keep them active. You’ll also need to spot clean their habitat once a week to remove any poop and soiled bedding, including their nest.

When handling hamsters, it’s best to use a cuddle sack to prevent them from jumping or escaping your hand. Young, non-tamed or untamed hamsters may be harder to pick up, but patience, plenty of out-of-habitat playtime and soft talk can help you bond with your new pet. Check here


Many people want pets but lack the time to care for them. Choosing a low-maintenance pet can help alleviate some of these concerns. These pets don’t require as much attention and are more affordable than larger pets such as dogs.

Invertebrates, such as hermit crabs and snails, are a great option for people with limited time and space. These pets live in small enclosures that need infrequent cleanings and don’t require outside-of-cage playtime.

Guinea pigs are another animal that is easy to keep as a pet. They are natural herbivores and will need to be fed a plant-based diet, which can be found at most pet stores. Chinchillas are also considered to be low-maintenance, but they do need companionship and regular cage maintenance to keep them clean and healthy.


Birds, such as parakeets and finches, are another popular low maintenance pet. They are available at most pet stores, love to interact with people and often mimic human speech. Birds require a cage that is large enough for them to fly around in, plenty of toys and fresh food. They also need to be bathed daily and have water that is clean to prevent disease.

Having a pet is great for kids, but it’s not always feasible for busy adults or people who live in apartments with strict rules. While many low maintenance pets can be fun, all pets still need attention, socialization, time and dedication, veterinary care, proper habitats and more. This is why choosing a pet that fits your lifestyle best is important.

Guinea Pigs

Guinea pigs make great pets for children because they are cute, low maintenance, and easy to train. However, before bringing one home, parents should consider how it will fit into their schedules over the long term. They are social animals that require companionship and need to be able to be let out of their cage for play every day. They also need a large and safe cage, daily spot cleaning, food pellets or hay, and grooming supplies like nail clippers.

These little critters are also quite expensive to care for, and vet bills can quickly add up. Using a guinea pig pet care sheet with daily tasks and a chart for recording medication, vet and board appointment details, and symptoms of illness can help families stay organized and on top of their responsibilities.

Sea Monkeys

Sea monkeys (Artemia NYOS) are a cult-classic and low-maintenance pet that have been around since the 1950s. Harold von Braunhut developed these wriggly little creatures to teach children about nature, and they continue to provide hours of entertainment and educational fun in aquariums and homes around the world.

Brine shrimp can live in a variety of environments, but sea monkeys thrive in extremely salty water that comes from the Great Salt Lake and the Salton Sea, two evaporating lakes in Utah and California. Sea monkeys are sold in kits with a specially formulated tank water that is perfect for their needs.

The water should be aerated on a daily basis and refilled to ensure proper hydration and oxygen levels. It should also be kept in a warm place away from direct sunlight, as it can harm and kill the briny creatures.

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