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Why Is Nature So Important to Human Beings?

As humanity becomes more urbanized, our relationship with nature is changing. Increasingly, people seek out opportunities to interact with natural landscapes. Studies show that this interaction benefits both the body and mind.

The 18th century scientist Alexander Von Humboldt described nature as a living system, with everything interacting together to form a whole. This concept has proven to be extremely valuable in our current climate change crisis.

It gives us life

The beauty of nature is a source of inspiration for poets, writers and artists. Nature has been a source of happiness to mankind for centuries. It has helped us to understand the importance of life. It has taught us how to live in harmony with the natural world.

Humans depend on nature for life, food, building materials and shelter. It’s essential to preserve ecosystems and species so they can continue to support our needs in the future.

Scientists have found that people who spend two recreational hours in nature each week report better health and well-being than those who don’t. The benefits occur whether the time in nature is spent all at once or spread out over the course of a week. The study was published in Scientific Reports in 2019. Another recent study found that people who lived in apartment buildings with more vegetation tended to be kinder to neighbors and strangers than those living in buildings without trees.

It is a source of beauty

Nature is not just an essential part of life, but it is also the greatest source of beauty. From the little things like a rainbow behind a cloud to the big ones such as sea turtles returning to the place where they hatched, nature is incredibly marvelous.

The word “nature” has different meanings, and it appears that its use in the present occidental context is more linked to conservation than to other visions of nature. In fact, it seems that this definition is a new and mainly scientific one, while it has been largely ignored in the literature of philosophy.

For many people, the importance of nature goes beyond the purely practical. It is a part of our spiritual lives. In most religions the natural world is revered. In Christianity, it is a garden of paradise, while in Hinduism every living thing is sacred. In Islam, it is Allah’s creation that humans are called to protect.

It is a source of inspiration

Studies have shown that spending time in nature can help us feel calmer, less stressed, and more rested. Nature can also inspire us to think more creatively, and it’s easier to focus when we are in a natural environment. For example, a walk in the woods can help reduce cortisol levels and increase cognitive functioning.

The concept of nature as a whole has evolved beyond modern Romanticism to a growing body of correlative evidence and a tight focus on human-nature interaction, including the impact of biodiversity on health, happiness, and civility. In this new paradigm, protecting nature must be based on ecological principles such as endemism and ecosystem services.

The beauty of nature has inspired many poets, writers and painters throughout history. Their work reflects the value they placed on this remarkable gift. For example, Vincent van Gogh found respite and solace in nature. In fact, he wrote letters to his brother Theo that are deeply evocative and poignant.

It is a source of peace

A growing body of research shows that nature is a source of peace and happiness. Moreover, it has the power to heal and even extend life. For centuries, doctors and other health experts have known that there is a connection between human well-being and time spent in natural environments. Now, cities, environmental organizations, and government agencies are recognizing this link, and they are investing in nature spaces.

This new vision of nature, based on the concept of ecosystems, is also changing how we protect it. It shifts the emphasis away from a preservationist tradition focused on inert objects and toward biotic communities of which humanity is one member. Safina writes about the wildlife in the Arctic, Antarctic, and tropics, but his stories always return to his home, where he observes and studies the seabirds and other animals of Lazy Point on Long Island. His work moves seamlessly from contemporary practical problems to the age-old philosophical underpinnings.

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